Marble paper tills a lot about the book:

Thoughts of saving the historical evidence, during conservation and restoration process; is the main objective that all professional conservators are keen of. Moreover, before taking any conservation or restoration decision or action; conservators carefully should study hard the object history and condition.Curators work closely with conservators to identify the object's history, identity, originality, and all other codicological and curatorial pieces of information.

Therefore, marble paper considered as one of the books sights that carry a lot of historical evidence, for instance, it carries information about the object binding history, technique, and whether it is the first (original) binding or a later on binding or restoration.

The idea of carrying a handy and easy to use yet mobile application, which carries out all the information and history about marble papers, was one of my dreams in creating a knowledge sharing culture since I have many dreams regarding this sharing conservation culture.

Marble paper pattern and methods guide mobile application for conservators, bookbinders, curators, and researchers, helps to identify most of the vintage marble paper patterns from the 15th century to 19th century, giving you an idea about how to marbling and how was each pattern made.

A FREE download for this application is available on Google Play store for Android mobile, ( unfortunately, it is not available yet on IOS. If you are interested in MORE of other conservation and restoration Android mobile applications, which have been developed by me; please visit my Google Play page ( Furthermore, your rating and review, definitely is a huge support to me, which encourage me for developing more mobile applications for conservators. As well as your feedback is highly appreciated and will help me to improve my applications

07/04/2017 - 09:21

Author Profile

Imagen de Sherif Afifi
Sherif Afifi

M.Sc. Photograph & paper Conservation

Alexandria, Egipto

Conservable Network is a project by

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